Research and their headquarters

  Indian Forest Research Institute → Dehradun

 Indian Institute of Wildlife Research → Dehradun

 Central Bird Research Institute → Izzatnagar

 National Environmental Research Institute → Nagpur

 National Institute of Camel Research → Bikaner

 National Geophysics Research Institute → Hyderabad

 National Environmental Engineering Research Institute → Nagpur

 Indian Council of Agricultural Research → New Delhi

 Indian Institute of Soil Science → Prayagraj

 Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute → Karnal

 Indian Institute of Horticultural Research → Bangalore

 Forest Survey of India → Dehradun

 National Museum of Natural HistoryNew → Delhi

 ^ Salim Ali Ornithology and Natural History → Center Coimbatore

 Botanical Survey of India → Kolkata

 Zoological Survey of India → Kolkata

 National Forestry Research Institute → Jhansi

 Central Desert Research Institute → Jodhpur

 Indian Institute of Meteorology → New Delhi

 Indian Meteorological Observatory → Poona

 Institute of Bacterial Technology → Chandigarh

 National Institute of Botany → Lucknow

 Central Mining Research Center → Dhanbad (Jharkhand)

 Indian Institute of Chemical Biology → Kolkata

 Central Fuel Research Institute → Jadugoda (Jharkhand)

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