Important events of the national movement

Year to year Important events of the national movement till indian freedom - 

1904 Indian Universities Act passed

1905 Partition of Bengal

1906 Establishment of Muslim League

1907 Surat session, split in Congress

1909 Marley-Minto Reforms

1911 Delhi Durbar of the British Emperor

1916 Creation of Home Rule League

1916 Muslim League-Congress Pact (Lucknow Pact)

1917 Movement in Champaran by Mahatma Gandhi

1919 Rowlatt Act

1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

1919 Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

1920 Khilafat Movement

1920 Non-cooperation movement

1922 Chauri-Chaura scandal

1927 Appointment of Simon Commission

1928 Arrival of Simon Commission in India

1929 Bomb blast in the Central Assembly by Bhagat Singh

1929 Demand for complete independence by Congress

1930 Civil Disobedience Movement

1930 First Round Table Conference

1931 Second Round Table Conference

1932 Third Round Table Conference

1932 Communal electoral system announced

1932 Poona Pact

1942 Quit India Movement

1942 Arrival of Cripps Mission

1943 Establishment of Azad Hind Fauj

1946 Arrival of Cabinet Mission

1946 Election of the Constituent Assembly of India

1946 Establishment of Interim Government

1947 Mountbatten plan of partition of India

1947 Important events of the Indian independence movement

1904 Indian Universities Act passed

1905 Partition of Bengal

1906 Establishment of Muslim League

1907 Surat session, split in Congress

1909 Marley-Minto Reforms

1911 Delhi Durbar of the British Emperor

1916 Creation of Home Rule League

1916 Muslim League-Congress Pact (Lucknow Pact)

1917 Movement in Champaran by Mahatma Gandhi

1919 Rowlatt Act

1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

1919 Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

1920 Khilafat Movement

1920 Non-cooperation movement

1922 Chauri-Chaura scandal

1927 Appointment of Simon Commission

1928 Arrival of Simon Commission in India

1929 Bomb blast in the Central Assembly by Bhagat Singh

1929 Demand for complete independence by Congress

1930 Civil Disobedience Movement

1930 First Round Table Conference

1931 Second Round Table Conference

1932 Third Round Table Conference

1932 Communal electoral system announced

1932 Poona Pact

1942 Quit India Movement

1942 Arrival of Cripps Mission

1943 Establishment of Azad Hind Fauj

1946 Arrival of Cabinet Mission

1946 Election of the Constituent Assembly of India

1946 Establishment of Interim Government

1947 Mountbatten plan of partition of India

1947 Indian independence